
dandelions in the park

dandelions in the park

April showers didn’t bring us much of anything except grey day after grey day.  May showers on the other hand have finally brought spring to the north!  Even on a rainy day, there is enough green to combat the grey.  The world around me is blossoming and I’m making an effort to spend time outside to enjoy it.

Johnny Jump-ups voluntarily spot my lawn

Johnny Jump-ups voluntarily spot my lawn

I like the cooler (but not cold) days and the frequent rains have kept the pollen count to a tolerable level.  I’m trying to reclaim some of my gardens.  It’s still a challenge.  My up and down can get a little unsteady.  My back is limiting both my carrying capacity and how much time I can spend at any one task.  My shoulder makes reaching and pulling a challenge.  Even so I’m making progress and enjoying every minute of it.

Pansy goes in each year for my Mother's Mother an avid gardener with simple tastes.

Pansy goes in each year for my Mother’s Mother an avid gardener with simple tastes.

As I get to dig again in my ancestor garden I call up bittersweet memories of love and loss.  There are people  I honor here who I would love to be able to share this season with, and I suppose in a way I do.  I have mixed feelings as well as I dig through the strawberry bed.  This was my ex-husband’s project.  There’s very little about it that went with my suggestions and so it’s not designed to be easy for me to maintain.  It’s a garden in the front yard and I knew if I didn’t at least make some effort the neighbors would start fussing.  It’s amazing to me how well the strawberries have managed in spite of total neglect for several years.  There’s a resilience in this garden that asks me to be resilient as well.

strawberry blossom

strawberry blossom

With all the fresh new growth and warmth I feel for my friends who are being challenged with the deaths of their loved ones.  This time of year is so contrary to anyone trying to grieve.  I know the feeling where you want the world to stop right along with you, and it doesn’t.  But I also know that there is a gentle consolation inherent in the obvious manifestation of the cycle of life.

Love and blessing to all my friends who are challenged with loss in this season.

About lisaspiral

I've been writing and speaking about spirituality to small groups for years and am looking to expand my horizons. Hopefully this blog will inspire you to expand yours as well.

Posted on May 19, 2014, in Acceptance, Bio, seasonal, spirituality, Spring and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I,more or less, started my garden from scratch, but in the beginning I would occasionally find a lovely little plant in the middle of clearing out the weeds and wonder who planted it. Nostalgia for someone I didn’t even know, someone who once loved this plot of land as much as I do, before it had been left to become a field of weeds.

    Wishing you a lovely gardening season…

  2. It must be hard grieving in the springtime when new life blossoms. Or, maybe it gives hope to some people–that their spirits may bloom again some day.

  3. I never thought to plant a garden to honor people I’ve lost, Lisa. That’s a really beautiful idea. I hope you’ll post more pictures as it continues to thrive through Spring.

  4. Yeah, I suppose those things you enjoyed with loved ones can be bittersweet. I wish I enjoyed or even knew more about gardening. I know it’s therapeutic.

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