Arts and Crafts

Dad and Orion are peas in a parading pod

I skipped Labor Day because Orion and I spent last week visiting with my parents.  It was fun, Dad and Orion were in a parade and we all went to the Labor Day picnic.  It was hard, my uncle died the day we arrived and the grief and memories meant Mom was never quite “all there”.  It was helpful, my Dad made a point to thank me for cooking and for taking care of Mom so he could do the parade and attend a DFL meeting.

Mom had a rough week, but it was nice to spend some time with her.

On the way back home Orion and I stopped to pick up our new glasses.  His match his wheelchair (the spokes on his wheels are that same color blue).   I’m pretty happy with being able to see without straining.

I dropped Orion off at his father’s and my “weekend off” experience included a couple of books, streaming Netflix, and arts and crafts.

Clearly Orion likes his fancy new glasses!

I’m not generally excited about arts and crafts but I signed up because it has been awhile since I’ve had the chance to spend any time with the friend who was hosting.  We made fairy houses, like for a fairy garden.  I figured I might send mine off to live at the fairy garden at Gilda’s Club.

Grace, our hostess, with all the unpainted house options

I got there early and fell in love with a design that hadn’t been on the original list of options.  So I ended up doing 2 houses instead of just one.

Lori was a great instructor

The group was all people I knew, many of whom I hadn’t seen in years.

Working diligently on our houses

The artist who set up the workshop, Lori, was very helpful and delightful to talk with while we worked.  She taught us some painting techniques to layer colors.  She kept our rinse water refreshed and encouraged us as we went along.  She spray coated our finished products so that we could keep them outside in the summers.

The whole group! Everyone finished at least one.

I’ve now got a couple of fairy houses, new glasses, and parents that appreciate what support I can give.  Maybe arts and crafts is more fun than I’d like to admit.

Maybe Gilda’s Club can have them next spring……

About lisaspiral

I've been writing and speaking about spirituality to small groups for years and am looking to expand my horizons. Hopefully this blog will inspire you to expand yours as well.

Posted on September 10, 2018, in Bio, kindness and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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