
White car in the storm

White car in the storm

Sparkles tinkling in the headlight beams

Falling in clumps from overburdened branches


Drifting in biting breezes

not too high yet

not too high yet

Plowed with dirt and grass ready to trap the unsuspecting traveler

Blown in furrows an orchestra of engines up and down the driveways

Toddlers in a circle tossing handfuls up to fall again100_4095

Packed as gentle weapons in a war of laughter

Snowman Karina Dylan and DavisSculpted into fat round men glistening in the sunlight

Cold damp kisses on eyelashes and tongues

Winter’s cloak of glory

icicles under the rain barrel

icicles under the rain barrel

The season’s first snow100_4103

About lisaspiral

I've been writing and speaking about spirituality to small groups for years and am looking to expand my horizons. Hopefully this blog will inspire you to expand yours as well.

Posted on December 10, 2012, in seasonal, winter and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. OMG, Lisa, you all got SOOOO much! I love snow and can’t wait till we get some here! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  2. I especially like the snowman pic with the smiling happy faces and waving hands. Our snow has *mostly* melted, only about an inch on the ground, but they’re predicting more soon. Hope you are having a nice weekend.

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